Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Thermal Cameras and Thermography

You people might be quite familiar with digital cameras and analog cameras.
Have you any time heard about thermal cameras.

These are the cameras which play a significant role in surveillance and security.

A thermographic camera, sometimes called a Forward Looking InfraRed(FLIR),is a device that forms an image using infrared radiation, similar to a common camera that forms an image using visible light.

All the living organisms as well as non living objects will emit infra-red energy and we exploit this using our longwave IR imaging systems with a view to identifying objects.These cameras are used in many R&D Departments like aviation,electronics,electricals,etc...

Thermography is now the leading non-intrusive, non-invasive and non-destructive tool used in an ever widening range of areas. All objects emit infra-red energy and we exploit this using our longwave IR imaging systems with a view to identifying previously unidentifiable faults which would often result in costly repercussions.

Infrared cameras, active and passive infrared camera systems can be used for security surveillance and nondestructive testing.

SARS (Avian Flu/Bird Flu) screening cameras have been installed in many airports around world.

The side by you see a domed camera.
These type of cameras are mainly used in banks,domestic purposes,etc.
These cameras are capable of
->Auto switching from daytime (color) to infrared sensitive nighttime (B&W).
->Indoor,weatherproof outdoor models for any application.
->Auto turn-over feature enables the dome to rotate 180 degrees and reposition itself for uninterrupted viewing of any subject that passes directly under the dome.
->23X Optical Zoom

Here you can see a picture of dog taken using an infrared camera.
Different colors in the picture implies temperatures that are different from area to area.

1 comment:

paddu said...